Archive | April 2014

The Great Barn Tichfield

It was good to meet Gaelle and Kevin from the Tichfield Festival Theatre today (27/4/14) to view the venue for Gaelle’s wedding in July. The Great Barn at Tichfield is used by the company for plays, and they also host weddings. We will be setting up the band in the back left corner of the stage area and estimate up to 30 dancers at a time will be able to dance. It looks a great venue with a good acoustic, and a great setting for a wedding. See you in July Gaelle


Website update

Well done to Chris of  for designing and implementing the mobile version of our new website.

29/03/14 Wedding Barn Dance

Winchester Cathedral Refectory was the venue for a wedding celebration barn dance with caller Martin Lindridge, and Mike (accordion), Bru (violin) and Dave (guitar). Feedback from the customer through Chris Noon Entertainments

To: Chris Noon
Subject: Re: Ceilidh – 29/03/14

Dear Chris,

The Woodsiders were excellent, especially the caller, who managed to keep the dance floor fairly full, as well as being a part-time babysitter of one of the young guests! We were very pleased with their performance and couldn’t fault them. And all the feedback we received was positive, everyone seems to have enjoyed the evening. You’re more than welcome to use my comments. Don’t worry about passing them on to the band as I shall write to them to thank them direct (well, via your postal address).

Many thanks once again, I would certainly recommend your service and the band.

Best wishes,

Helen James